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Saint Lucia’s valuable marine ecosystems face increasing pressure from a suite of threats.


The SLUNCF supports the conservation and sustainability of Saint Lucia’s ecosystems and species.


The SLUNCF will employ 5 key strategies to achieve its goals.


The Board of Directors direct the business of the SLUNCF and exercise all powers of the SLUNCF.

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Our Core Values

Throughout its efforts, the SLUNCF will strive to abide by the following core values:

Transparency And Integrity

The SLUNCF is committed to openness, transparency, and honesty in its operations and in issuing grants.

Conservation And Sustainability

Towards and in support of the conservation and sustainability of our ecosystems.


Learning both internally and externally and will work to implement best practices.

Cooperation And Inclusivity

The SLUNCF will work in partnership with communities and non-governmental organizations.


The SLUNCF is accountable for all actions and decisions internally and to their constituents.

Organisational Effectiveness

Working with grantees to build grantee capacity and increase their effectiveness.

Featured Documents

Understanding the social impacts of protected areas: a community perspective.

How You Can Help

Conserve Saint Lucia's natural environment, natural assets and biodiversity right here!

Protecting Our Livelihoods

Protecting and maintaining biological diversity and natural resources and other activities that contribute substantially to the conservation, protection and maintenance of biodiversity

Our Planet: Too Big To Fail

A film inspired by the Our Planet Netflix series. How can the finance sector help save the planet? The sector’s leading voices explore the crucial role of finance in turning the tide on climate change and nature loss. 

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