The SLUNCF Grant Making Framework
To determine how it will allocate funding toward various grantees and projects, there are a number of factors for the SLUNCF to consider, including its priorities for allocating funding, how programmatic funding will be distributed among different goals and activities, potential criteria to use to determine how to select projects, proposed eligible and non-eligible recipients and projects, and potential types of projects and grants to fund. This section describes how the SLUNCF will consider these factors and allocate funding to selected grantees.

Priorities for Allocating Funding
Building from the Vision, Mission, and Logic Model, the SLUNCF’s priorities for allocating funding will correspond directly to the Logic Model. All projects funded will relate to specific outcomes and objectives highlighted in the Logic Model. The SLUNCF will revisit the Logic Model annually, and may shift goals, outcomes, and objectives.
Distribution of Program Funding
To allow for the funding of a variety of grant topics that address the various goals and outcomes described in the Logic Model, the SLUNCF will distribute its programmatic funding as follow:
General Programmatic Allocation: 100% in Year 1 and 2; 90% after Year 3. This funding will be split among the identified SLUNCF goals and decided upon each year by the SLUNCF Board, in collaboration with the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). During Year 1, the SLUNCF may prioritize grant-making focused on one goal or ecosystem, based on the advice of the TAC.
Innovation and Opportunity Allocation: Up to 10% starting in Year 3. This funding will be used to support innovative projects and programs (e.g., ground-breaking research, policy analysis and development, new strategies for education and outreach, and/or pilot projects) in support of the vision, mission,goals, and strategies of the SLUNCF. If SLUNCF does not use the Innovation and Opportunity Allocation within six months of the start calendar year, it will consider reallocating these funds to the General Programmatic Allocation.