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Key Strategies

To achieve its goals, the SLUNCF will apply five strategies:

Increased Capacity

Strengthen management and governance capacity by supporting development, resourcing, and implementation of management plans

Long-Term Investments

Catalyze sustainable funding for long-term ecosystem conservation, effective management of biodiversity and natural resources.

Habitat Restored

Encourage restoration of culturally important and biologically significant ecosystems and species (e.g., the Saint Lucia racer snake)

Community Engagement

Engage stakeholders across sectors to enable resilient human and ecological communities

Partnerships Instituted

Promote partnerships in support of the conservation of biodiversity and natural resources.

The SLUNCF 3 Year Logic Model
Goal 1: Conserve and Enhance Ecosystems



Strategies and Activities

Increased capacity for conservation, restoration, and climate change adaptation planning and implementation

  1. Coordinate collaborative conservation, restoration, and climate change adaptation activities (e.g., trainings and workshops with local stakeholders)

  2. Incorporate climate change adaptation considerations into existing and new natural resource and biodiversity and PA policies and management


  1. Capacity for natural resource and biodiversity governance and management increased

  2. Long-term investments secured

  3. Habitat restored

  4. Partnerships instituted

Example Grantee Activities:

  1. Fund projects focused on building climate change adaptation capacity and developing adaptation plans

  2. Support participatory community-based workshops that assess the vulnerability of natural resources and biodiversity to climate change

  3. Fund projects assessing communities’ understanding of climate impacts and resource use

Decreased pollution from land-based sources

  1. Identify primary sources of land-based pollution in ecosystems

  2. Gather baseline data on coastal water quality in priority sites

  3. Share findings regarding impacts of pollution on biodiversity

  4. Implement activities to reduce land-based pollution


  1. Community engagement obtained

  2. Partnerships instituted

Example Grantee Activities:

  1. Support researchers collecting baseline data on pollution and water quality

  2. Support outreach and partnership-building with tourism entities to address threats to ecosystems caused by pollution

  3. Support proposals geared toward creating incentives to change behavior of communities and industry

Increased acreage restored of ecosystems and habitat

  1. Identify key sites for restoration activities

  2. Identify restoration priorities and implementation plans for high priority sites

  3. Support ecosystem and habitat restoration activities


  1. Habitat restored

Example Grantee Activities:

  1. Support researchers and managers implementing restoration activities focused on ecosystems and habitat

  2. Support long-term monitoring of restoration sites

Goal 2: Strengthen the Governance and Management of Ecosystems



Strategies and Activities

Strengthened legal and policy framework for conservation and management of ecosystems and PAs

  1. Help support approval and implementation of the Systems Plan and other relevant biodiversity and natural resource conservation legislation and policies

  2. Develop enabling regulatory conditions for natural resource and biodiversity conservation


  1. Capacity for natural resource and biodiversity governance and management increased

Example Grantee Activities:

  1. Build relationships with key leadership in ministries/agencies

  2. Support projects to identify gaps in legal and policy framework for conservation and management of ecosystems and PAs

  3. Support projects focused on policy change and implementation to create stronger enabling conditions for the protection of ecosystems and PAs

  4. Identify government champions to support ecosystem conservation and PAs

New approaches to enforcement and compliance for ecosystem conservation and management

  1. Create and support community-based enforcement activities (e.g., trainings)

  2. Build capacity for natural resource managers and the judiciary to enforce regulations, as well as educate stakeholders and resources users regarding regulations

  3. Increase compliance with ecosystem and PA regulations


  1. Capacity for natural resource and biodiversity governance and management increased

  2. Long-term investments secured

  3. Community engagement obtained

  4. Partnerships instituted

Example Grantee Activities:

  1. Support enforcement trainings for natural resource managers

  2. Work to increase compliance through supporting projects on raising awareness of ecosystem and PA regulations; increasing legal capacity to increase prosecutions (e.g., through collaboration with the Judicial Education Institute); and developing technological tools to help with enforcement capacity

Goal 3: Create Resilient Ecological and Human Communities



Strategies and Activities

Increased collaboration between communities, agencies/ministries, and individuals to respond to, withstand, and recover from adverse situations

  1. Gather feedback from grantees on level of communication with community members, resources managers, and policy-makers

  2. Build relationships with individuals across sectors (e.g., government, NGOs, tourist operators) at all levels of ecosystem management, regulation, and implementation

  3. Improve communication between stakeholders and natural resource managers


  1. Capacity for natural resource and biodiversity governance and management increased

  2. Partnerships instituted

Example Grantee Activities:

  1. Support projects that engage and encourage collaboration and information sharing among individuals across all levels of natural resource and biodiversity management and implementation

  2. Support projects focused on convening meetings to encourage stakeholder participation in natural resource and biodiversity management decisions and to design mechanisms for actively involving stakeholders in management activities

  3. Support collaborative research projects focused on assessing community vulnerability and strengthening resilience that engage local communities

  4. Coordinate and support outreach to key stakeholders on ecosystems, ecosystem management, and resilience and adaptation

Increased socio-economic benefits for communities in biodiversity conservation and natural resource management

  1. Increase opportunities for stakeholders to collaborate with managers to support sustainable natural resource use (e.g., establishment of co-management arrangements, community-based ecotourism activities)

  2. Strengthen opportunities for communities to engage in sustainable and alternative livelihood activities


  1. Community engagement obtained

  2. Partnerships instituted

Example Grantee Activities:

  1. Support projects that promote development of alternative and sustainable livelihoods for natural-resource dependent communities

  2. Support grantees to develop community-based ecotourism projects

  3. Support alternative livelihood capacity building and training activities

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